Saturday, February 28, 2009

This whole week has been a miss..Modem blown
up,computer having some minor problem but solved..
Been thinking a whole lot more lately..Wishing a
whole lot more..I really wonder,when will all this
come to an end..I'm tired of it..I'm wasting my time
waiting for something so impossible to happen and
yet here I am still waiting..

Guess what,I've been trying to be just a little bit more
serious and obviously I failed miserably..Insaf-a word
means nothing to me..

Hey,we are all still here for you..If you need or want
anything feel free to ask..Cheer up..
p.s. Message to all idiots who are emo-ing

When Will This End

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I know what is going on..I think I will just
let it go the way you want it to be this time..
I'm not stupid I'm also not an ignorant fool,
just this once I guess I let you people choose
the scenario you all want it to be..

Sick Of This Nonsense

Friday, February 20, 2009


Practically we had a meeting just for lunch and random
events just take place and yea this is the time I reached

After school met up with Mao at his office..1 p.m..Very
near to SJI only..Then we went Mid Valley to meet up
with them..Joe,Justin,Shan,Ho and someone whose name
I can't remember..I doubt I can remember the face also.
We had our lunch at TomyRomas..And sadly,I didn't
pay anything..Please next time ask me whether I agree or
not first please...Really feel bad!!!

Then after the lunch the two girls went home..The rest
of us continue our day at Asia Cafe til 9 something..
Ho went home leaving four of us dinner there..Met
someone else on the way home..Alvin..Suddenly saw him
sitting at a table at AC..

After that,this is where I am..Home..Tired sleepy and I
haven't even shower..Going now..Toodlez.

I Need To Pull Myself Together

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I just finish something I found on Joelee blog..
Some enneagram thingy..Kinda interesting..
Here's my result..Somehow fits except the last

4.The Individualist

People of this personality type tend to build
their identities around their perception of
themselves as being somehow different or unique
; they are thus self-consciously individualistic. Fours
tend to see their difference from others as being both
a gift and a curse - a gift, because it sets them apart
from those they perceive as being somehow "common
," and a curse, as it so often seems to separate them
from the simpler forms of happiness that others so
readily seem to enjoy. Thus, Fours can manage to feel
superior to others while also secretly harboring some
degree of longing and envy. A feeling of being a
member of the "true aristocracy" alternates with deep
feelings of shame, and fears of somehow being deeply
flawed or defective.

Fours are emotionally complex and highly sensitive.
They long to be understood and appreciated for thei
r authentic selves, but easily feel misunderstood and
unappreciated. They have a tendency to withdraw
in the face of a world that seems harsh or crude,
and are often somewhat moody or temperamental.
They are emotionally centered and spend much of
their lives immersed in their internal mental
landscapes, where they feel free to cultivate and
analyse their feelings. A desire to manifest this internal
world often leads Fours to an interest in the arts, and
some do become actual artists. Whether artistic or not
, however, most Fours are aesthetically sensitive and
concerned with self-expression and self-revelation,
whether it be in the clothes they wear or in the
overall nature of their often idiosyncratic lifestyles.

Fours are somewhat melancholic by disposition,
and under stress tend to lapse into depression.
They also tend to be self-absorbed, even under
the best of circumstances, but when unbalanced,
easily give way to a self-indulgence which they
perceive as being fully justified as a way to compensate
for the general lack of pleasure they experience in
their lives. Rather than look for practical solutions
to their difficulties, Fours are prone to fantasizing
about a savior who will rescue them from their

Intellectual Fours tend to mistakenly type themselves
as Fives, and a heavy wing can certainly exacerbate
this tendency. Fours however, unlike Fives, tend to be
self-revealing and comfortable with emotional expression.

The link could be found on his blog if you want try it out.
Oh yea,the result also shows in almost very similar to

Fading Into Darkness
谢谢 Balloon for your time wasted hearing my nonsensical

Thank you so much..Although you made me realise I
had a bad habit of chasing out everyone who almost
able to figure me out,out of my life..Lets see,up to now
2 person and 1 almost..But soon hopefully not.I'm sorry
if anyone of you reading this..It took me 4 years just to
realise my habit..

Made A Promise That There Will Not Be A Fourth

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What quality/characteristic I'm proud of in myself?
I answered some funny answer..But I guess if i were
to take it seriously,it is most probably my ability to
never put myself into stressful position..The don't care
attitude I have contributes to it..

'Screw it','whatever happen let it be'..Sounds very cliche
already and to everyone around me..I guess I only care
about something I really love..STPM??One day I will
take interest in it,til then...

Anyone up for lunch??Been going home without any lunch.

Happiness In Misery

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Today..After so long(few month),finally went to
Times Square and also Pavilion..Can't say I missed
the place but I guess since something happen I
really don't wanna step into those place again..

Oh yea,today went to TS with Teng and Icky..
Somehow I became the lamp post.Plus wearing
bright colour T-shirt..White!We went Neway and
we let Victor entertain us with his act..People go
there sing we go there watch show??

After that we went Pav..Meet up with Lynn and Simon.
And officially I am the lamp post for 2 couple..Not
that I'm proud of it but...Awkward !Dinner then shopping
then went home.Reach around 10 !So late !

Today I did something I was reluctant to do the last few
months..The last moment messages in my phone,

Hoping To Begin A New Chapter

Monday, February 16, 2009

Have been hearing The Time Of My Life by
David Cook..Over and over again..
The first time I heard it was in the La Sallian
Convention and finally found what song is that.

Only Being An Idiot Observer

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I really missed it..This kind of outting..
Feel like so long never done something like this.
Since CNY..How long has it been??Looking
forward for the coming Tuesday..Karaoke !
Come to think of it,I really haven't confirm the

Tay take care when you're going back Australia..
July lets do this kind of thing again..

Time to sign out..I still got loads of Chem work
needed to be done..And its 7.15..Great 2 more
hours to finish 20+ question..

The Irony Of Being In A Different Society

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I realised today..I had done nothing...
Nothing given nothing received nothing to
be remembered of..The past the presence will
one day fade into oblivion..Nothing for me to
hang on to..Memories..How long could I hold
on to it??

Oh yea,I just screwed up 3 paper today..This is
definately going to be interesting to listen what
the teachers gonna comment..And to be exact,
5 papers total I screwed up...Form 6,seriously
don't even have any thought about taking it..
Anyone spending today alone??

My Life Would Suck Without You

Friday, February 13, 2009

My friend said this..Got black eye ring easier got
heart problem..How true is it??Anyone heard this
nonsense before??

Oh yea,I found something on valentine.
Check it out at Christina's blog

If you fall you know I'll be there for you
I was doing MUET and came across some personality
that relate to how long you get to live..And guess what,
I strike 2 personality that causes people to have a
short life..Here it goes..

Socially-inhibited people are more vulnerable to viral
infections,suggests research from the University of
California.In animal studies,scientists found that
gregarious types had more active protective lymph nodes
-which are part of the body's immune system and help
to destroy infectious germ-than shy types..

Those who always expect the worst will find that when it
comes to health,they are right:pessimists have 19%
increased risk of early death compared to optimists.
Researchers in America have also found that people who
are pessimistic have an increased risk of developing
Parkinson's disease decades later.However,it remains
unclear whether it is anxiety or pessimism or a common
genetic predisposition that are the risk factors for the

And there is more..Lazy type too many..Still got
-Cheerful-early death

Lucky I did not get cheerful..If not surely die super young..
Now oso jackpot 2 early death personality..Come to think
of it,I guess it's really not that bad after all..I'm being
pessimistic again..LOL..

Chemistry,PA,Math...I throwing this 3 subject to the drain.
Time to enjoy..Toodles..

Thursday, February 12, 2009

How long has it been since I ran round the
basketball court and doing suicide??I can't
believe my stamina couldn't even last....
This really sucks,stamina like shit..All the
hard stamina training last time wasted just
like that.............

Oh yea,I be having my test tomorrow..
Biology and MUET..And guess what,I'm still
here blogging and playing and planning to
sleep..There goes Bio and MUET...

Sleep ~

Monday, February 9, 2009

You'll be surprise that I'm still very much alive
if you know the way I think or even they way I
view this world.But then again,who will know what
am I thinking..Or rather who can..

Currently addicted to
-I'm yours ~Jason Mraz
-Your call ~ Secondhand Serenade
-Take My hand ~ Simple Plan

Time to study..Seriously no joke..

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My whole body aching..
It's really been so long since I played serious.
Despite my lack of stamina I manage to have fun.
Under all the pain,I feel great..Satisfied..
But I could do better..

Damn my right arm really hurting badly..
I really forgot to take care of it..
I really haven't been doing much..
Exam starting next thursday and yet...

Gap begin to widen..
Trust starts to fade..
Still hanging on...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My leg starts to hurt again.
Living the days
My heart bleeds.
Without you
I feel sleepy all the time..
A lot things really changed..Is it 2 months that
long for everyone to be so different??Or is it
just me so rooted by the past...Feelings haven't
change.Still stuck with the past.Attitude surely
By my side
I could only wish that I could see more happy faces
around me.Just to mask what I can't do lately..
Genuine smile.

I think I'm going to take a nap..Byez..

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Lets see what to write with this half dead brain..
Addicted to posting at this hour of the day..
Just deleted the ad post..ISA mari then die...
Has only 4 hours of nap in the past 60 hours..

Yesterday went to Li Jia's birthday/farewell?? party.
It was fun..Although only few of our batch went..
It was all fun and the food was great(BBQ)
Basically the dad does everything and we just sat down
and eat and drink to our heart content.

The best part was at the end of it.You will definately
laugh your ass off seeing it.Oh yea,Li Jia you surely
gonna forget everything you did but no worry.Most of us
has different videos of the whole scene.

Extra notes..
Li Jia-So sorry only brought two sikat pisang go there

Fi-Same so sorry somehow scolded you for no reason.

Theng-Good job although she gonna murder you for what
you did..